Even though I'm still gnome-shell impaired (waiting on 3D support landing for my Radeon video card), I helped out Giovanni Campagna into getting Bluetooth support in the gnome-shell.
My work was to review Giovanni's code for gnome-bluetooth, and making sure that the gnome-shell behaviour matched that of the existing GNOME Bluetooth applet.
A lot of to-and-fro, but the gnome-bluetooth changes are now in, and waiting on sub-menu fixes for gnome-shell itself. Owen was kind enough to provide me with a screenshot for your enjoyment.

Bluetooth in the shell
This wasn't my first interaction with Giovanni, as, in another long-winded bug, we hashed out the volume control shell icon. This work is already merged, and lives in gnome-shell.
Active On/Off is a pretty bad way to word the status of the bluetooth radio. I would prefer:
Bluetooth Radio On/Off
or the less geeky
Bluetooth On/Off
Nice, but maybe It would better have only one place to configure all your network connections? ie, wifi, ethernet, GSM, bluetooth ...
Javier, your mouse, keyboard, GPS, or Bluetooth headset don't use network connections...
As Anonymous noted, Active On/Off is pretty bad wording choice. Use either State On/Off or Bluetooth On/Off.
Also, it should say Connection On/Off and Visibility On/Off, if you really want to use the On/Off switches
Please don't use a '>' for the arrow, type crime!
Other than that: good work :)
Also, use title capitalization for the menu item text.
@Anonymous: I agree - https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=634328
hadess, gnome-bluetooth and its dependencies, gnome-shell, pulseaudio-module-bluetooth and bluez seem to be giving me a strange problem.
- i once unistalled gnome-bluetooth and it removed gnome-shell, it listed but my fault i didn't see, so on restart, gnome would fail to load, Luckily I logged in through kde and resintalled gnome-shell in the console there.
- for the real problem though. gnome-bluetooth only works if i remove it and reinstall it. If I reboot, I'd have to do the same again to get it to work. Don't know if any of these bugs could be fixed or the dependencies decreased. Thanks. :)
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